Event Description
What is it?
PEEP supports expectant and new parents to: tune in to baby’s feelings, manage their own feelings and understand how to support baby’s early learning and development.
Who is it for?
It is for expectant parents or parents at the start of their parenthood journey. Please bring baby along to the sessions.
What does it involve?
PEEP Antenatal is made up of 5 sessions. You will meet other new or expectant parents and develop a supportive network within the group. The workshops will focus on promoting parent-baby bonding. You will learn about sensitive parenting and how this helps to develop a loving, secure attachment.
What does the session focus on?
• Parenting skills
• Tuning into baby’s needs and feelings.
• Responding sensitively and consistently
• Providing a safe and secure emotional base
• Managing your own feelings about changes
• Understanding how to support baby’s brain development
please email familyhubswellbeing@walsall.gov.uk to book your place
Ryecroft Community Hub 28, New Forest Rd, WS3 1TR